Meeting God (Amos 4:1-13)
Speaker: Rev Dennis Kwok
Date: 31 Dec 2017

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Sermon notes taken by:

Benjamin Yeo

God sent Amos the prophet to Bethel to warn the people of impending destruction. Material prosperity in Amos’ time caused God’s people to fall away spiritually. They worshipped the golden calf.

In Amos chapter 4, Amos called the people to repent. The Israelites were religious outwardly but not inwardly. Amos wanted them to realize their sin. They had fallen away from God. They made God into an idol and their lifestyle was sinful. They oppressed the poor and neglected the needy. They had an outward form of religion but not true worship. They failed to realize that God was angry with their sin.

God sends judgment when we are disobedient. God wants his people to repent and surrender to Him. God was actively trying to get His people to return to him (v6 to 11). God sent the famine but the people did not turn to Him. God caused the rain to fall (v7), but they did not return to Him. Today, do we take God for granted also?

God judged them by destroying their harvest (v9). Yet they did not return to God. The power of God was revealed to them (v10). He destroyed the young men and horses, but Israel still did not return to God.

What was wrong with them?

In verse 12, Amos told the people to be prepared to meet God.

How do we prepare to meet God? We must confess and repent of our sins before we meet God. Do not be unrepentant. God is the Creator. In His mercy, He sent His Son Jesus into this world so that we sinners can be saved. We must know our place before God. What part does God play in your life?

Walk with God and follow Him. Do not follow the world. Satan will try to hinder us. Surrender ourselves to Him that we may be useful for God’s glory in the New Year.

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