Shine Forth Missions Journal
- Foreword
- Being a Missions-Minded Church
- Fulfilling the Great Commission
- Ye Shall Be Witnesses!
- Cambodia Missions (14 to 21 Oct 2024)
- Philippines Missions (Jun & Jul 2024)
- Evangelism Workshop (1 May 2024)
- Missions Sunday (13 Oct 2024)
- Missions News
- Children's Corner: Ulrich Zwingli - His Life and Submission to God's Word
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- Foreword
- Enlarge Thy Tent!
- Bringing in the Sheaves!
- Expect Great Things from God; Attempt Great Things for God!
- Cambodia Missions (15 to 19 Dec 2023)
- Cambodia Missions (26 to 30 Jan 2024)
- Cambodia Missions (22 to 26 Mar 2024)
- Philippines Missions (Dec 2023)
- Kenya Missions (17 Nov to 5 Dec 2023)
- Missions News
- Children's Corner: 5 Little-Known Facts About Martin Luther
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- Foreword
- Occupy Till I Come!
- Watch & Be Sober!
- Time to Work!
- Evangelism Workshop: Report
- Evangelism Workshop: Excerpt of Message “Christ Liveth in Me”
- Missions Sunday: Report
- Missions Sunday: Excerpt of Message “The Holy Spirit’s Leading in Missions”
- Testimony of Salvation and of Calling to Full-Time Service by Thian Za Mawi
- Missions Trip to Kenya (18 November to 16 December 2022)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (9 to 14 December 2022)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (27 to 31 January 2023)
- Missions News
- Children’s Corner: “John Huss: Faithful Unto Death”
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- Foreword
- Preach the Word!
- Woe is Me if I Preach Not the Gospel!
- Missions Sunday: Report
- Missions Sunday: Excerpt of Message
- Testimony of Salvation and of Calling to Full-Time Service by Car Vincent Magkidong
- Missions Trip to Kenya (18 November to 16 December 2022)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (9 to 14 December 2022)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (27 to 31 January 2023)
- Missions News
- Children’s Corner: “John Wycliffe: The Morning Star of the Reformation”
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- Foreword
- God’s Word – The Very Breath of God
- Kept Pure in All Ages
- God’s Word in Our Hands
- Our Sole, Supreme and Final Authority
- Book Summary: Garnet Howard Milne’s “Has the Bible Been Kept Pure? The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Providential Preservation of Scripture”
- Testimony: A Decade Since the Court of Appeal Overturns High Court Judgment – A Personal Reflection by Dn Emerson Ang
- Testimony: Holding Fast the Faithful Word in the Church by Pr Chan Sopheak
- Testimony: Holding Fast the Faithful Word in My Home by Pr Liv Rotha
- Testimony: Holding Fast the Faithful Word Before the World by Pr John Saray
- Missions News
- Children’s Corner: “Willam Tyndale: Holding Fast the Faithful Word in Life and in Death”
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- Foreword
- The Call to Separate
- Separation – An Act of Love
- Practising Biblical Separation
- Book Summary: Rev (Dr) Jeffrey Khoo’s “Biblical Separation: Doctrine of Church Purification and Preservation”
- Testimony: Practising Biblical Separation in Live and in Ministry by Pr Li Yahui
- Testimony: Practising Biblical Separation in Live and in Ministry by Pr Chan Sopheak
- Testimony: Practising Biblical Separation in Live and in Ministry by Pr John Saray
- Testimony: Practising Biblical Separation in Live and in Ministry by Pr Tan Bun Kouy
- Missions Trip to Kenya (20 November to 9 December 2019)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (17 to 21 January 2020)
- Missions News
- Children’s Corner: “Be Ye Separate!”
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- Foreword
- Let Every Thing that Have Breath Praise the LORD!
- Music in Worship
- Why ‘Music is Next to Theology’
- CCM Condemned!
- Sermon Extract: Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew’s "Contemporary Worship – of God or Man or Satan?"
- Book Summary: Dan Lucarini’s “Why I Left the Contemporary Christian Music Movement: Confessions of a Former Worship Leader”
- Book Summary: David Cloud’s “Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians”
- Heavenly Melodies: Hymns, Choruses & Verses of Timothy Tow
- Testimony: Call to Salvation and to Full-time Service by Hadassah Chew
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (25 to 28 January 2019)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (22 to 25 March 2019)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (7 to 15 September 2019)
- Missions News
- Children’s Corner: “What Does It Mean to Praise the LORD?”
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- Foreword
- Supremacy of the Scriptures in Worship
- Worship Must be Theocentric
- Principles of Biblical Worship
- Order of Worship
- Book Review: Peter Masters’ "Worship in the Melting Pot"
- My Call to Salvation and Full-time Service: Testimony by Jansel Dachi
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (1 to 9 September 2018)
- Missions Trip to Kenya (21 November to 11 December 2018)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (15 to 19 December 2018)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (7 to 11 December 2018)
- Missions News
- Children’s Corner: “Back to the Scriptures”
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- Foreword
- What is Biblical Worship?
- How to Worship God Biblically?
- Beware of Religious Syncretism!
- Jehovah vs Baal -- Who Will You Follow?
- Extract of Sermon: “False Worship Warned”
- Book Review: John Mac Arthur's "Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship"
- Worshipping God in an Idolatrous World: Testimony by Pr Chan Sopheak
- Worshipping God in an Idolatrous World: Testimony by Pr Liv Rotha
- Worshipping God in an Idolatrous World: Testimony by Pr John Saray
- Missions Trip to Kenya (14 November to 5 December 2017)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (15 to 19 December 2017)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (26 to 30 January 2018)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (23 to 27 March 2018)
- Missions News
- Kids’ Corner: “The LORD, He is the God”
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- Foreword
- Witness of the Aged Believer
- No Retirement in God's Service
- Faithful unto Death -- Remembering Rev (Dr) Timothy Tow
- Book Review: Thomas Boston's "The Crook in the Lot"
- Book Summary: Paul D. Wolfe's "My God is True!"
- Ministering to the Elderly and Sickly: Elderly Outreach of Bethel BPC
- Ministering to the Elderly and Sickly: Elderly Outreach of Bible-Presbyterian Church of Western Australia
- Ministering to the Deaf: Grace Deaf Ministry of Calvary Jaya Bible-Presbyterian Fellowship
- Elderly Ministry of True Gospel BPC
- Elderly Ministry of True Faith BPC
- Elderly Ministry of Lively Hope BPC
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (19 to 22 May 2017)
- Missions Trip to Batam (18 to 20 June 2017)
- Missions News
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (2 to 10 September 2017)
- Kids’ Corner: “A Crown of Glory!”
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- Foreword
- Take the Lead!
- Leading by Example
- Summary of "Counselling Recipes" and Lessons Learnt
- Serving Among Adults: Testimony by Rev Michael Koech
- Equipping Adults to Lead: Testimony by Rev Nelson Were
- Equipping Adults in Missions Work: Testimony by Rev Jonathan Langat
- Adult Ministry of True Gospel BPC
- Adult Ministry of True Faith BPC
- Adult Ministry of Lively Hope BPC
- Missions Trip to Kenya (17 November to 23 December 2016)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (16 to 21 December 2016)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (20 to 24 January 2017)
- Missions News
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (17 to 20 March 2017)
- Kids’ Corner: “Follow Me as I Follow Christ”
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- Foreword
- Remember Thy Creator
- Remember My Creator in My Army Days
- Empowering Youths for Christ
- Moulding Youths for Christ's Service
- Youth Work in Bethel BPC (Melbourne, Australia)
- Youth Work in Bible-Presbyterian Church of Western Australia (Perth)
- Serving Among Youths: Testimony by Bernard Too
- Serving Among Youths: Testimony by Nguyen Van Hieu
- Serving Among Youths: Testimony by Lukas Tram
- Youth Work in True Gospel BPC (Kampot, Cambodia)
- Youth Work in True Faith BPC (Kampot, Cambodia)
- Youth Work in Lively Hope BPC (Sihanoukville, Cambodia)
- My Call to Salvation and Full-time Ministry (David Chew)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (14 to 18 May 2016)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (3 to 11 September 2016)
- Kids’ Corner: “King Josiah: A Tender Heart for God”
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- Foreword
- Feed My Lambs!
- God's Word for Children
- Choosing a Curriculum
- Interview: "Scriptures in Songs"
- Book Summary: "The Seven Laws of Teaching"
- True Gospel Children's Ministry
- True Faith Children's Ministry
- Lively Hope Children's Ministry
- My Call to Further Studies
- Missions Trip to Kenya (19 November to 8 December 2015)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (18 to 21 December 2015)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (30 January to 3 February 2016)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (19 to 23 March 2016)
- Kids’ Corner: “Mary Jones and Her Bible”
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- Foreword
- The Trend is Toward the Trained!
- Why Bible College
- Ministry of True-Gospel Bible School
- Ministry of Gethsemane Bible Institute (Cebu)
- Ministry of Gethsemane Bible Institute (Ethiopia)
- Ministry of Bomet Bible Institute
- Ministry of Faith College of the Bible
- Ministry of the Bible College of East Africa
- My Call to Salvation and Full-time Service
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (14 to 21 August 2015)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (5 to 9 September; 7 to 12 September 2015)
- Kids’ Corner: “A Workman Approved unto God!”
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- Foreword
- The Need for a Faithful Bible Translation
- Bible Translation -- The Need for the Work
- The Need for a Kalenjin Bible Translation
- The Need for a Waray-waray Bible Translation
- The Need for a Tagalog Bible Translation
- The Need for a Khmer Bible Translation
- Missions Trip to Kenya (21 November to 8 December 2014)
- Missions Trip to Batam (5 to 8 December 2014)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (18 to 24 December 2014)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (23 to 27 January 2015)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (25 to 31 March 2015)
- Kids’ Corner: “How Did We Get Our English Bible?”
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- Foreword: Why Give to Missions?
- Biblical Principles to Guide our Giving to Missions
- Misconceptions about Giving to Missions
- Testimony of God's Provisions in the Missions Field
- God's Faithful Provision
- My Testimony
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (26 to 31 March 2014)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (31 May to 7 June 2014)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (4 to 8 August 2014)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (6 to 13 September 2014)
- Is My Giving Pleasing to God?
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- Foreword
- Why Pray for Missions?
- How to Pray Effectively for Missions?
- How to Pray for a Missionary?
- Pray for Missions
- A Church Born Out of Prayers
- How Prayer Impacted the Missions Work in Cambodia
- Missions Trip to Kenya (22 November to 10 December 2013)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (25 to 30 December 2013)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (22 to 27 January 2014)
- Kids’ Corner: “God's Harvest Field”
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- Foreword
- AF Gospel Night Message by Ko Lingkang: "The Last Day"
- A Witness into All the World!
- Witnessing in My Home
- Witnessing in My School
- Witnessing in My Workplace
- Testimony of Call to Salvation and to Full-Time Ministry (Sim Dara)
- True Gospel BPC
- True Faith BPC
- Lively Hope BPC
- Missions Trip to Kampot (Cambodia, 24 to 29 May 2013)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (22 to 26 July 2013)
- Missions Trip to Siem Reap (Cambodia, 26 to 29 August 2013)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (7 to 14 September 2013)
- Kids’ Corner: “The King is Coming”
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- Foreword
- How to Know I Am Called to Serve God in the Full-Time Ministry?
- John Pollock 's "The Cambridge Seven”
- God Moves in a Mysterious Way
- My Life Belongs to God
- The Grace that Calls Me
- Blessing upon Bible School in Kampot, Cambodia
- Testimonies of Current True Gospel Bible School Students
- Missions Trip to Kenya (11 November to 22 December 2012)
- Missions Trip to Kampot (Cambodia, 12 to 18 December 2012)
- Missions Trip to Sihanoukville (Cambodia, 23 to 29 January 2013)
- Missions Trip to Kampot (Cambodia, 16 to 23 March 2013)
- Kids’ Corner: “A Special Call”
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- Foreword
- Constrained by the Love of Christ
- A Brief Biography of William Carey
- Biography of Mary Slessor, A Missionary to Africa
- Book Review of “The Life and Diary of David Brainerd”
- Only One Life
- Wherever He Leads I Will Go
- His Way is Perfect
- How God Led Me to My Present Ministry
- Quarterly Report of True Gospel B-P Church
- The Ministry of Lively Hope B-P Church
- Report of True Faith B-P Church, March to June 2012
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (17 to 20 March 2012)
- Missions Trip to Thailand (2 to 8 September 2012)
- Missions Trip to Cambodia (3 to 9 September 2012)
- Kids’ Corner: “James Hudson Taylor”
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- Foreword
- God Will Not Forget
- Bible College of East Africa: An Open Door to Africa
- The Ministry in BCEA
- The Lord's Work in East Africa
- The Lord's Work in Tanzania
- Missions in East Africa
- True Gospel BPC Camp (Kampot, Cambodia, 5 to 7 September 2011)
- Chiang Rai (Thailand, 5 to 9 September 2011)
- Kenya (25 Nov to 12 December 2011)
- Cambodia (16 to 20 December 2011)
- Cambodia (26 to 31 January 2011)
- Kids’ Corner: “The Trailblazer of Africa”
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- Foreword
- Lord, Give Me a Passion for Missions
- Dealing with Problems in Missions Work
- Guiding Principles from the Bible for Ladies Serving in the Missions Field
- Testimony of Call to Salvation and to the Full-Time Ministry (Rev Daniel Kipneno Yaban)
- Testimony of Call to Salvation and to the Full-Time Ministry (Benard Kipkoech Too)
- Lively Hope BPC (Sihanoukville, Cambodia, 11 to 16 May 2011)
- True Gospel BPC (Kampot, Cambodia, 9 to 15 August 2011)
- Kids’ Corner: “Spiritual Lessons from Paul's Second Missionary Journey (Acts 15:35 -18:22)”
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- Foreword
- Missions is Always Twofold
- Development & Growth of the Work in Kampot
- How the Missions Work in Sihanoukville Began
- Thank God for His Leading and Blessings
- A Testimony of Three Years in the Field (Pr Sopheak)
- A Testimony of How the Lord Has Blessed Me (Pr Rotha)
- A Testimony of Call to Salvation and to the Full-Time Ministry (Kiet Thaven)
- Sihanoukville & Kampot (Cambodia, 4 to 14 August 2010)
- Bethel Development Centre (Thailand, 6 to 10 September 2010)
- 1st Bible Camp of True Gospel BPC (Cambodia, 6 to 9 September 2010)
- Bomet & Eldoret (Kenya, 27 November to 14 December 2010)
- Sihanoukville & Kampot (Cambodia, 17 to 21 December 2010)
- Sihanoukville (Cambodia, 29 to 31 January 2011)
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- Foreword
- Living the Gospel
- Addressing Some Common Excuses in Personal Evangelism
- 3 Simple Methods of Sharing the Gospel
- How to Use a Tract Effectively?
- 5 Excuses an Unbeliever May Have for Refusing the Gospel
- A Book Review of Y.T. Wee's “The Soul-Winner's Handy Guide"
- The "Teaching Them" in the Great Commission
- Someone Shared the Gospel with Me
- Sihanoukville & Kampot (Cambodia, 13 to 18 May 2010)
- Kids’ Corner: “Build the Romans' Road”
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- Foreword
- Structure of Truth Missions Society
- "Missions" is to Preach the Gospel
- Reflections on the Missions Month (1)
- Reflections on the Missions Month (2)
- Reflections on the Missions Month (3)
- Revisiting Children's Missions Month Program
- Eldoret & Bomet (Kenya, 28 November to 15 December 2009)
- Bethel Development Center (Thailand, 3 to 7 December 2009)
- Kampot & Sihanoukville (Cambodia, 26 to 29 December 2009)
- Kids’ Corner: "Send the Light"
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- Foreword
- God's Kingdom Welcomes Children (Mark 10:13-16)
- Kampot (Cambodia, 27 to 31 December 2008)
- Kampot (Cambodia, 5 to 9 March 2009)
- Bethel Development Center (Thailand, 14 to 18 March 2009)
- BDC Stands for Bethel Development Center
- Some Reflections on My Cambodia Missions Trip
- My Missions Trip to Cambodia
- Missions Awareness Starts from Young
- Summary of the Book "With Daring Faith" by Rebecca Henry Davis
- Children for Missions
- Missions Month (October 2009)
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- Foreword
- Go Ye therefore, and Teach All Nations
- Why I Went On a Missions Trip
- Before We "Go" on a Missions Trip
- Setting Your Heart Right for a Missions Trip
- Family Together on Missions Trips
- Missions Trip to Kampot (Cambodia, 12 to 18 August 2008)
- Missions Trip to Kampot (Cambodia, 4 to 19 November 2008)
- Missions Trip to Arusha (Tanzania) and Eldoret & Bomet (Kenya) 15 November to 11 December 2008
- Chiang Rai Missions Trip Sharing (Thailand, 3 to 9 December 2008)
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© Copyright 2018 Truth Bible-Presbyterian Church