Agape Love Ministry

Agape Love Ministry (ALM)

ALM was started in August 2009. The primary goals of ALM are to fellowship and encourage every church members as well as friends together with their family in their Christian faith and spiritual walk with God. There are also opportunities to witness to family members who are non-Christians.

The program consists of singing of hymns, prayer, short exhortation and fellowship with one another over some light refreshments. For year 2010, a total of 25 individual and families had been visited either at their home or pastor’s home. This visitation ministry has since grown to a few young families attending regularly. If you are interested to join this ministry, or you would like the team to visit you, please contact Pastor.

“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12,13)

ALM meets every first Friday of the month.

2024 Timetable
Date Venue
7 Jun, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Karen Lee With Pr John Saray and family
Contact: Karen Lee
03 May, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Rev & Mrs Dennis Kwok with Raymond Er
Contact: Karen Lee
05 Apr, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Karen Lee with Philip Chan
Contact: Karen Lee
01 Mar, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Mrs Rose Kee
Contact: Karen Lee
02 Feb, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Pr & Mrs David Chew with Hazel Chew
Contact: Karen Lee
2023 Timetable
Date Venue
1 Dec, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Miss Lyndsey Lee
Contact: Karen Lee
3 Nov, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Rev & Mrs Dennis Kwok with Bryan Tan
Contact: Karen Lee
6 Oct, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Dn & Mrs Franco Wong with Thian Za Mawi
Contact: Karen Lee
4 Aug, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Rev & Mrs Dennis Kwok with Mdm Han Mong Eng (Mrs Audrey Tam's mother)
Contact: Karen Lee
07 Jul, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Rev & Mrs Dennis Kwok with Sean Seet
Contact: Karen Lee
09 Jun, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Rev & Mrs Dennis Kwok with with Jesse Lim
Contact: Karen Lee
05 May, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Miss Eunice Low
Contact: Karen Lee
3 Mar, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom With Mrs Rose Kee @ home of Rev & Mrs Dennis Kwok
Contact: Karen Lee
3 Feb, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of Mr & Mrs Lee (Mrs Helen Tan's parents)
Contact: Karen Lee
6 Jan, Fri, 8 pm, also via Zoom Home of of Miss Jodie Cheong with Mr & Mrs Charlie Seow
Contact: Karen Lee

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