
Truth Adults' Fellowship

Theme 2023 & 2024:Add to Your Faith (2 Peter 1:5)

   1. To grow in grace and knowledge of Christ
   2. To beware of false teachers
   3. To be watchful for the Lord's return

Executive Committee Office Bearers 2024
President: Benjamin Yeo
Vice-President: Anthony Cheng
Secretary : Alice Tan
Treasurer: Mary Yong
Publicity and Publications Secretary: Eric Toh

Advisor: Eld Winston Chew

Members' Pledge
In joining the Adults' Fellowship, I declare my faith in Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. As a member of this Adults' Fellowship, I shall endeavour to attend every meeting, to be punctual, to pray for other members, to witness for Him and in all things to glorify God in my life. I have read the Constitution and thereby agree to adhere to its rulings.


15 Mar The Mind of Christ is Given to believers
(1 Cor 2:10-12)
Members' Night
- Rev Jose Lagapa
08 Mar The Mind of Christ involves Wisdom from God
(1 Cor 2:7)
- Rev Clement Chew
15 Feb AGM/Election
Topic: tbc
- Eld Winston Chew
8 Feb The Mind of Christ vs the Wisdom of Man (1 Cor 2:5-6)
- Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo
18 Jan What Does it Mean to Have the Mind of Christ? (1 Cor 2:16)
- Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo
11 Jan TAF 19th Anniversary: “Abounding Therein with Thanksgiving” (Col 2:6-7)
- Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
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