Pastoral Letter 27 Sep 2020

My dear readers,

Proverbs 15:30: “The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart: and a good report maketh the bones fat.”

Measuring one’s life based upon one’s possessions is normal, for the people of the world. This has been implanted into our psyche from birth by our parents, teachers, and friends through the systems of the world that we all live in. Society is built upon such a system to function and progress. The functional aspects keep on improving and seem to know no bounds. With improved functionality like steam engines, electricity, and the internet virtual world, progression into a modernistic society has become the golden pathway of every age. This has been the case for the past few millenniums.

Such advancements lead to the accumulation of a bigger piece of this earth. In the past, the size of the earth one could possess was limited by how far one’s horse could carry one. What one enjoys as the abundant life on earth was what one could buy from one’s neighbours. Today’s abundance in terms of ownership is measured by unlimited access to the four corners of the earth. Oceans are spanned conveniently whereby a family on vacation could wake up in the morning in the east, and could also be at the opposite end of the western world and have breakfast twice in the same day! What a strange sensation and yet it is a common way of life for the modern generation.

Therefore, the abundant life is measured by the size of one’s bank account and assets. Billionaires are found worldwide whereas it was unheard of in the past. Today, millionaires are common. According to ABC News (23 October 2019): “Nearly half of that wealth [world] -- or 44% -- lies in the hands of the world's millionaires, the report noted. There are a total of 46.8 million millionaires worldwide, according to the report, and they collectively own approximately $158.3 trillion.” According to Business Insider (14 November 2019): “In 2019, there are approximately 2,153 billionaires in the world, according to Forbes.” With such an array of wealthy people sitting on golden pedestals globally, it is no wonder that the man in the street strives his utmost to achieve the abundant life that is measured in terms of dollars and cents. 

Sadly, the Christian world is no different. This is attributed to the Charismatics’ health-and-wealth gospel. However, we cannot blame them entirely, for no one can compel anyone to believe unless he chooses to do so according to his heart’s desires. If this is the gospel that we have received and believed in, the Bible says there is no salvation, for this is a corrupt gospel. However, if we are truly born-again in Christ but have allowed the world to seize our hearts, then it is time that this grip be removed, for too much harm has already been done to the cause of Christ by such a carnal life. Living in such a materialistic world, it is incumbent upon all children of God to decide what makes their life abundant.

What light up your eyes?“The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart” (Prov 15:3a) is a very apt statement that ought to describe every believer’s heart. Through the eyes, the heart is revealed. First, let us consider what our eyes are not supposed to look at. All things that arouse the lusts of the eyes and the flesh must be avoided at all costs. These are the sinful things of the world that every child of God has been taught to flee from. Every place where these sins are committed, he must stay away. He must be very discerning of who he associates with as these sinners can ruin his holy witness for Christ. Instead of the child of God pointing them to the Saviour, he can be led by them into sin. The eyes of a child of God must also beware of the internet world that is more deadly and diabolical than the real world. This virtual world has ruined many Christian lives since its birth. The internet world might be virtual but the evils that it spawns are real. After the child of God learns avoidance, he needs to turn his eyes on things that rejoice his Christ-centred heart.

The eyes of the child of God must delight in people and events that are good for his spiritual soul. He loves to spend fellowship time with the people of God who are his eternal family. His enjoyment in their presence is evidence of eternal delight as he will continue this fellowship in heaven above. He finds places of the true worship of God where hymns are sung in praise of his Saviour most delightful to his heart. His eyes will search out activities like worship, Bible Studies and ministries where the Word of God is studied and obeyed. The Spirit of God within him has made him alive in Christ. His eyes long to partake in these heavenly activities which he knows will continue in heaven. What a joy it will be when he arrives home in heaven and these same activities that delight his eyes and bring joy to his heart continue forever without end.

What do you want others to say of your life? – Eulogies are good words spoken after the person has died. It is sad to hear eulogies of believers whose memories of loved ones are not spiritual testimonies of blessed moments spent before the Lord’s presence in worship and the study of God’s Word. But when a good report is made of a child of God whose life has impacted others for Christ, it makes the bone fat (Prov 15:3b), i.e. it satisfies the inner soul.

Pain in the bones is the worst kind of pain that could afflict a person. There is no relief from such pain. When the life of believers is wasted in sin (like Lot’s life), the pain is unbearable. It is almost impossible to apply any balm for relief. 

But when the life of the child of God brings blessings to others for Christ, the joy is unspeakable. Others will remember him with the eternal gratitude that will continue when they meet face-to-face before the heavenly throne of God. Sinners became saints because of his holy witness. Fellow believers have been strengthened in the faith and spirits lifted because of his faithful service. Feeding God’s people with the holy Word to keep them in the path of holiness and righteousness and from not being deceived has brought forth the reality of the promised abundant life. Helping others grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ is a life well spent. This is the good report that makes the bone fat (Prov 15:3b).

The joyful heart of the child of God guides his eyes and helps others see Christ in his life. This brings the greatest joy to his soul.

Food for Thought -- 2 Corinthians 4:18: “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,

Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
Advisory Pastor

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