Last updated on 02 Jun 2023

Worship Service
1:30 pmPre-Service Prayer Meeting
2:00 pmWorship Service
Worship LeaderEld W Chew
SpeakerRev Dr Quek SY
MessageDo not be Tired of Doing Good (Gal 6:9-10)
Lord's Day Activities
UshersJoe (IC), Yew Nyen, Daniel, Chao Wei, Edrea, Chin Cheong
Pianist/OrganistEunice/Karen Haw
SingspirationDn Ben
Mandarin TranslatorSerene
Sermon NotetakerShuen Siang
BBKLesson 21: "The Constitution of Truth BPC"
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 10: "Oaths"
Church Choir5 pm, L3 Sanctuary
Junior Choir5 pm, Room 03-08
UshersJoe (IC), Justin, Dn Anthony, Martin, Dn Ben, Kai Leong
Pianist/OrganistSerene/Karen Haw
SingspirationDn Alan
Mandarin TranslatorYirong
Sermon NotetakerHui Jen
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 11: "Retaliation"
Church ChoirPractice will resume on 18 Jun
Junior ChoirPractice will resume on 25 Jun
Activities For The Week
8.00 pm
Prayer Worship (L3 Sanctuary)
“Doing Evil in the Sight of the LORD”
(1 Kings 11:1-8)
Eld Winston Chew
(Pianist: Yih Wei)
3.00 pm
Team Barnabas (also via Zoom)
Venue: Mdm Chan May Ling’s home
Contact: Karen Lee
Rev Dennis Kwok
8.00 pm
Agape Love Ministry (also via Zoom)
with Jesse Lim @ home of Rev & Mrs Dennis Kwok
Contact: Karen Lee
Rev Dennis Kwok
7.00 pm
Youth Fellowship (Room 02-03)
“God Works in Mysterious Ways” (2 Kings 14)
Contact: Dn Emerson Ang
Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo
7.30 pm
Adults’ Fellowship (L3 Sanctuary)
“Add to Your Faith ... Patience” (2 Pet 1:5-7)
Contact: Dn Ben Yeo
Rev Dr Jose Lagapa
News & Announcements
Briefing for Church Bible Camp (04 Jun, immediately after Worship, L3 Sanctuary):
All campers, kindly attend.
Combined Youth Conference (20 to 23 Jun, Tue to Fri, 9.30 am to 5 pm, @ 1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35): “Beholding the Beauty of the Lord” Speaker: Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
For more info and registration:
Contact: Dn Emerson Ang
Church Gospel Night (24 Jun, Sat, 7.30 pm, L3 Sanctuary):
""Who is Your Master?"" (Matt 6:24) Speaker: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy
Mandarin translation via headphone will be available. Do use the invites available on the display table outside L3 Sanctuary to invite your friends.
Family Worship (30 Jun, Fri, 8 pm): Venue: Home of Karen Lee
Topic: “Lessons from the Conies - Taking Precautions” (Prov 30:24-28)
Speaker: Dn Franco Wong Contact: Carol Lee
Refreshment Coordinator: Mrs Audrey Tam
Memory Verse For The Week
Galatians 6:9-10
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men,
especially unto them who are of the household of faith.""

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