The LORD is With You (Gen 39:1-6)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 22 Nov 2020

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Sermon notes taken by:

Mrs Audrey Tam

Genesis 39:2 says, “And the LORD was with Joseph…” Every Christian must desire to have the LORD with him. When the Lord is with you, His mercy and grace will be with you. His justice will also be with you (Exod 34:6-7).

1.  The Lord is with you regardless of the circumstances (Gen 39:1-2)

The journey from Canaan to Egypt must have been a most trying journey for Joseph as he faced the prospect of being a slave. For us, when life is good and smooth, are we able to walk victoriously with God? If we do not walk with Him in pleasant circumstances, we will not walk with Him in difficult circumstances. The circumstances actually do not matter. Joseph could have thoughts of God's mercy and loving kindness even during his difficult circumstances. God’s mercies and loving kindness are sufficient for us. During the 16th Century Reformation, many believers were tortured by the Roman Catholic Church. Similarly in China, Christians are persecuted for their faith. The truth that the Lord was with them must have kept them holding on to their faith.

2.  Others will be able to see that the Lord is with you (Gen 39:3-4)

Joseph must have shared with his master about the Lord and the covenantal relationship he had with Him. When his master saw how God had blessed Joseph in his life, he saw that “the LORD was with Joseph…” Do people in your lives see God in your lives? Although God made Potiphar to favour Joseph; it may not be the case with us all the time. Some masters may favour the faithful Christians as they are diligent workers; but the world will hate and despise believers. When we live for the Lord, it will not matter whether others favour us or not. When we receive hatred, let us rejoice for the honour of suffering for Christ.

3.  We experience God’s blessings (Gen 39:5-6)

Joseph was promoted and received material blessings, but his greatest blessing was that he knew that the Lord was with him. There are new challenges every day, thus we need God's mercies every day. The Lord can send material blessings to His people if He so wills, but oftentimes His presence is sufficient for His suffering saints, eg: the Apostle Paul. We cannot enjoy the presence of the Lord if we are in sin or pursuing after the things of the world. The LORD is with you must be a testimony that we bear and live out. God be with us, and help us. Amen

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