The Responsibilities of Christian Husbands (1 Pet 3:7)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 12 Aug 2018

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Sermon notes taken by:

Eunice Low

As Christ is the head of the Church, the husband is the head of the home. Thus, wives are to submit to the husbands at home. This is with regards to the different roles that each person plays and is not an issue of equality or superiority/inferiority. In 1 Peter 3:7, Peter dealt with the responsibilities of husbands. Husbands are to give honour to their wives. They have a great responsibility at home especially to their wives.

1. Husbands are to dwell together with their wives

This togetherness is to be of one flesh in Christ. Husbands are not to put away their wives. There are several things that husbands must do to keep the family together. One is to worship together and to encourage the wife and children to worship through family devotion and encouraging each other in their daily devotion with God. Husbands must point the family to God’s Word. Another idea of dwelling together in knowledge is to keep in companionship, communion and fellowship. Husbands must understand their wives and spend time with them. Husbands are to dwell together with them according to knowledge which includes the understanding of their duty and roles according to the Word of God, and the knowledge of the Word of God.

2. Husbands are to respect or reverence or give honour to their wives

To give honour is to give what is due. The husband is to show and give what is due unto his wife. This honour refers to the husband’s praise and encouragement of his wife. Apostle Peter gave 2 reasons. First, the wife is a weaker vessel. The term “weaker vessel” includes physical weakness or frailty and the inward disposition or emotions. Just as how Christ honours us in spite of our weaknesses, husbands are to give honour to their wives. Second, the husband and his wife are co-inheritors of the grace of life. This is the grace and favour that God has given to us as we live on earth. God also bestows this grace to both husband and wife.

3. Husbands are to pray

Husbands are to fulfil these responsibilities, so that their prayers will not be hindered. Husbands are to pray for the family and the home. Without prayer, the home will not have the blessings of God.

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