Pastoral Letter 03 Feb 2019

The celebration of the Chinese New Year (CNY) remains a tradition and culture for many of us who are Chinese. But let us not forget that we are more than just Chinese, we are Chinese Christians. As Christians celebrating the CNY, we must be careful to keep away from any form of sinful religious practices. There are some CNY traditions that are associated with idolatrous worship. One tradition is the worship of one’s ancestors on the first day of CNY by the burning of joss sticks, bowing to them, etc. This is idol worship and is an abomination to God. As Christians, we must not do it.

CNY is a good time for us to gather with family members, loved ones, friends and neighbours. As we go for home visitations and collect/give Ang Pows these few days, let us remember to bear a good Christian testimony and share the gospel whenever we can. Be careful not to participate in any gambling activities which are common among unbelievers. Make sure that our dressing does not stumble or tempt others. We tend to overeat during CNY as there will be much New Year goodies served. Remember to eat and drink in moderation. Don’t be a glutton! We must ensure that others see Christ in our lives from the way we speak and behave.

There are red Ang Pow gospel tracts (eg: “福”, “恭喜发财,” etc) available for us to give to the unsaved. Be sure to take them and make use of the opportunity to share the gospel. Let us seek to glorify God during the CNY. “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31). Blessed Chinese New Year! Amen.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dennis Kwok

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