Pastoral Letter 20 Jan 2019

We are already into the third week of the first month of the New Year. The words of Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:14 have been lingering in my mind: “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Apostle Paul was in prison when he wrote these inspired and preserved words. Anyone who ends up in jail is regarded as a “condemned” person. The stigma of having been jailed will follow him the rest of his life. So, how can Paul be so positive about life?

Paul was not thrown into prison because he was guilty of some immoral acts or misconduct. He was imprisoned because of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this reason, he bore no shame for his Saviour's sake, and he could still be so positive about his life. We can even safely say that Paul was the happiest man among all who were in the same prison with him. He was not ashamed of his Master Jesus Christ. Although in prison, no one could take away his faith and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. Though bound by chains, his love and commitment to Christ continued. And that was why he could say, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” The chains that bound his hands and feet were not able to stop him from pressing toward the mark. His imprisonment was part of his journey of faith for the Lord's sake. Therefore it did not matter to him whether he was in prison or out of prison. He will continue to faithfully and boldly preach the gospel which he was entrusted with. It is indeed a high calling to be entrusted with the important task of preaching the gospel. The prison became Paul's missions field. How many prisoners, as well as guards, have the “honour” and “privilege” to hear the wonderful gospel preached by Paul in that prison? Surely the gospel seeds had fallen on good ground and have yielded much increase by the grace and mercy of God.

What are you pressing toward in your life right now? The purpose of our existence is to glorify God and the only way to glorify Him is to obediently be His mouthpiece and preach the Word, not only with our mouths but also with our lives of obedience and holiness. This is God's high calling for us in Christ Jesus. And the mark which we are to press toward is reached when our work on earth is finally done and we are called home to be with the Lord. At the mark, there is a prize awaiting us. What prize will it be? The Bible promises believers different crowns that they can receive (eg: Rev 2:10: “a crown of life,” 1 Pet 5:4:“a crown of glory,” 2 Tim 4:8: “a crown of righteousness,” etc.) What God has promised to give us will always be the best. Beside the crowns, we know that all who truly believe in Jesus and are born again will receive a glorious body that is fit for heaven and for dwelling in the presence of God forever and ever. What we must do now on earth is to press toward the mark. Will we be found faithful when we arrive at the mark? May God help us. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dennis Kwok

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