When You Gather Together (Exod 18:1-12)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 12 Feb 2023

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Sermon notes taken by:

Mrs Haw Hui Jen

In Exodus 18:1-12, Moses and his father-in-law (Jethro) were reunited after a long time: since Moses left Midian to answer God’s call to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt. Through this account, we can learn three things that our fellowship with our fellow brethren must encompass:

  1. Exodus 18:1-6: Seeking to gather together

Jethro brought Zipporah (Moses’ wife) and her two sons (Gershom and Eliezer) along with him to meet with Moses. The journey to meet with Moses (estimated to be 150 to 200 km) was not an easy one as Jethro would not have known the exact location of Moses and the children of Israel in the wilderness. Despite the challenge and the inconvenience of bringing his daughter and his two grandsons along, Jethro was eager for them to be reunited with Moses. Do we eagerly look forward to fellowshipping with like-minded brethren? Or do we use any form of excuses (eg: inconvenience, etc) to avoid fellowshipping with our brethren?

  1. Exodus 18:7-8: Sharing in gathering together

Upon meeting his father-in-law, Moses showed his respect and affection for Jethro (Exod 18:7). After asking about each other’s welfare, Moses shared with Jethro all that the LORD had done for the children of Israel in delivering them out of Egypt (Exod 18:8). Moses and Jethro shared that same care and affection for each other because they were bound to the same God. Are we concern about the welfare of our brethren? Are we prepared to give of our time to listen to their sharing?

  1. Exodus 18:9-12: Singing (i.e. praising, rejoicing) in gathering together

As a result of Moses’ sharing and fellowshipping with Jethro, Jethro was greatly

encouraged, and he rejoiced and praised God for His goodness. Then he offered a burnt offering and sacrifices to God (Exod 18:12). Does our fellowship result in our brethren being encouraged and their faith strengthened?

The purpose of Christian fellowship must be to encourage others and to have their faith strengthened through our sharing, resulting in rejoicing and the praising of God’s name.

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