How to be a Christian Child (Eph 6:1-3)
Speaker: Rev Quek Suan Yew
Date: 04 Jul 2021

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Sermon notes taken by:

Mrs Sara Wong

Everyone is born with a sinful nature, as evidenced from man’s behaviour. Man will not naturally obey God, but sin. Parents need to be mindful of this as they bring up their children. Otherwise, the child may go the world’s ways. Ephesians 6:1-3 describes succinctly and sharply how one is to be a Christian child.

A Christian child has to obey (Eph 6:1). Only a Christian can obey his parents in the Lord. Be sure of your salvation, for not all who called themselves “Christians” are saved. How you live your life at home, and behave towards your parents, are evidences of your faith. Even children with unbelieving parents are to obey their unbelieving parents. The word “obey” is in the present imperative, meaning that it is a command. Listen attentively to your parents, even though they are imperfect. No parents are perfect. Do not magnify the imperfections and forget the good things. If your parents seem unreasonable/unfair, you are still to obey them in the Lord cheerfully, willingly, for the Lord’s sake, remembering what Christ has done for you. Not to obey is sin. Do not let pride hinder your testimony for Christ, for we are no longer under the dominion of sin.

A Christian child is to honour his parents (Eph 6:2). Without honour, obedience will not come. Parents must remember that their children are their children, not friends, because the amount of commitment and responsibility differ greatly. Hence, treat your children as your children; they will then honour you rightly. To honour means to respect, i.e. they will not say bad things about their parents behind their parents’ back, even if it is factual. Ham dishonoured his father Noah, and was cursed for it (Gen 9:20-25). How we talk about our parents shows our respect, or lack of it, for them. Do not follow the ways of the world. Stop those, especially those in the faith, who dishonour their parents. When we disrespect our parents, we are disrespecting God. The first commandment (out of the Ten Commandments) that deals with human relationships is that of the parent-child relationship (Exod 20:12). Only Christian children can honour their parents with the help of the Holy Spirit. See it as a privilege to honour your parents and take care of them, physically, spiritually, emotionally, all the days of their life.

When the Christian child obeys and honours his parent, it will be well with him (Eph 6:3). In the fifth commandment, the promise is for Israel as a nation. Now, in this church age, we are no longer a nation under God, we have local churches. When every family in the church has God-fearing parents and God-fearing children, there will be oneness and unity to promote Christ, and there will be no generation gap (another concept of the world).

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