True Faith B-P Church started in March 2012 in Kampot Province. Their current place of worship is about 20 minutes away from True Gospel B-P Church, across the Kampot River. It is located in a community that comprises mainly Buddhist families.
Pr Liv Rotha is the preacher in charge (graduate of Far Eastern Bible College in Singapore) and his wife Saron (graduate of True Gospel Bible School in Kampot) assists him in the ministry. They have three children outreaches at Kampong Kreng, Kep Thmey, and North Kampong Bai. Sunday Worship – 9am to 10.30am Sunday School – 7.30am to 8.30am Saturday Youth Meeting – 10am to 11am Saturday Prayer Meeting – 4pm to 5pm Church Address: Sovansakor Village, Kampong Kandal District, Kampot City, Kampot Province, Cambodia Email: livrotha2003@yahoo.com (Pr Liv Rotha) |