A Saviour is Born (Isa 9:6)
Speaker: Rev Dr Quek SY
Date: 22 Dec 2024

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Sermon notes taken by:

Edrea Tai

Only One can save us from the greatest trouble in life (i.e. death). We cannot save ourselves from the sins committed against God, neither can we give to Him what is already His to appease His wrath. This where the Saviour Jesus Christ comes in.

His Coming (Isa 9:6a)

In the book of Genesis, it was already prophesied that a male child would be born to be our Saviour for our sins against God, and thus man can know that there is hope. The justice of God requires Him to condemn sinful man to hell for eternity. The Saviour is a gift to us, He “is given” to us. We are unable to buy or earn salvation for ourselves by our own efforts.

His Government (Isa 9:6b)

The Saviour’s coming will also result in His government. He will rule, govern and lead His people in this world. Now, we are governed by imperfect, problematic and corrupt governments of this world. But the Saviour’s government will be different. To be under His government, we will be like Him: holy, good and righteous.

His Name (Isa 9:6c)

His name shall be called:

(i) Wonderful: He is full of wonder (miracles). He has the ability to perform miracles that only God can perform.

(ii) Counsellor: He has the answers to all questions, especially questions of eternal significance.

(iii) The mighty God: He has the power to do anything.

(iv) The everlasting Father: He controls time. He has been before time and will be after time. His government shall also be for ever.

(v) The Prince of Peace: In today’s world, there is no peace, only quarrels and disagreement. As sinners, we can never have peace, we have only enmity with God. But the Saviour is the Prince of Peace, He will bring peace, and give us peace.

The Saviour Jesus Christ came to take on flesh and blood like us (although He was without sin) in order to be our Substitute. Will we sincerely and truly believe and accept Him? The true meaning of Christmas is that this Saviour was born. Give Him our garment of sin, and He will give us the garment of righteousness. Confess and believe with all our hearts.

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