God's Answer to Man's Excuses (Exod 4:1-17)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 23 Jan 2022

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Sermon notes taken by:

Dn Ben Yeo

Many make excuses when asked to serve God. Some are unwilling to serve due to the cares of life or say that they are unsuitable to serve in a particular area. Moses struggled with his own inadequacies and fears when God called him to lead His people out of Egypt. Moses was weak and frail, but God enabled him.

Moses gave 3 excuses when God called him to lead His people out of Egypt.

First Excuse (Exod 4:1-9): Moses was afraid that the people would not listen to him. God told Moses that He would give him 3 miracles/signs to prove that he had God’s authority.
(a) The wooden staff turned into a serpent. It demonstrated that God can give life and take away life.
(b) Moses’ hand turned leprous. It showed that God has control over our bodies.
(c) The water turned into blood. It showed God’s power over nature.

These miracles were signs from God to authenticate the message and the messenger. The signs/miracles were given to Moses to give him the confidence that God was with him. Today, we need the Word of God as our authority when we serve. The ministry will lose its power if it does not have God’s authority.

Second Excuse (Exod 4:10-12): Moses told God that he was slow of speech and tongue. Moses understood the work he was to do for God was spiritual and not based on natural talents or abilities. He confessed that he was not eloquent in the things of God. God told him that He would equip him with the ability to fulfil the calling (Exod 4:11). 

Third Excuse (Exod 4:13-17): Moses questioned God’s calling. As a result, the anger of God was kindled. However, God was patient with Moses. God gave Moses his brother, Aaron, to support him. God knew and understood the fear Moses had, and God helped him to overcome his fear.

Our God is compassionate and merciful. He will provide help and support when we obey His call and are willing to do His work. We sometimes frighten ourselves with unnecessary fears; and we worry unnecessarily. If God has called us to serve Him, let us not make excuses. Trust God to enable us to serve Him.

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