The Call to Go (Exod 3:6-22)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 09 Jan 2022

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Sermon notes taken by:

Haw Yew Nyen

When called by God to do His work, a Christian may consider many factors and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. However, such considerations may at times be unbiblical. We must obey and submit to God’s call and trust Him to direct us to do His will. We must let God be in control of our lives for He knows best. There are 3 things to note when God calls His children.

  • God will reveal His mission (Exod 3:16)

Having called Moses to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the Promised Land, God then instructed him to go and gather the elders of Israel (Exod 3:16a). God did not leave Moses to do His work alone. God provided co-labourers to assist him. Similarly, when God calls us to do His work, He will call others to work together with us. We must therefore learn to co-labour with fellow Christians and to help one another as we do God’s work together. However, we must be clear that the work we do and its authority is from God alone. And our service must be guided by God’s Word so as to achieve the true purpose or intention of the work that God has called us to do. Our service must never be based on the world’s ideologies which may undermine God’s mission for us. 


  • God will go with us (Exod 3:17-18)

God had told Moses that He would go with him as he brought the children of Israel out of the afflictions of Egypt and into the Promised Land (Exod 3:17). This assured Moses and gave him the courage to ask the king of Egypt to let the children of Israel go on a 3-day journey into the wilderness to sacrifice to God (Exod 3:18), and then he would bring them to the Promised Land which was then occupied by powerful nations. Similarly, we must know that God will be with us every step of the way as we do His work. We must have the courage to do that which is right according to God’s Word no matter how difficult it may be, so that we can accomplish the work that God had called us to do. 

  • God will provide for our needs (Exod 3:19-22)

Doing God’s work is not about our abilities, but rather it is God working through us to accomplish His work. God moved the hearts of the Egyptians to give of their valuables to the children of Israel (Exod 3:21-22). Hence, we are not to worry but to trust in God to provide for all our needs as we obey His call and do His work.

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