How to be a Strong Christian (Eph 6:10-11)
Speaker: Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
Date: 29 Aug 2021

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Sermon notes taken by:

Tina Wong

In Ephesians 6:10, the word “finally” implies that after the preceding verses about how the different groups of Christians are to be godly, everyone is “to be strong in the Lord” in every aspect of his life.

1.  The source of our strength (Eph 6:10)

Education is key to strength in society. Also, those with strength of connection can also have a head start. These are available in the world and we have tasted it. For us to “be strong in the Lord” means our source of strength is the Lord. But we must be in the Lord first. To “be strong in the Lord” is to experience the power of the Lord’s might. We must be in the Lord totally and completely at all times. Christians who are in the Lord will obey Him. The more we obey God’s Word, the stronger spiritually we will become. We are to lean on our Lord. Do not take a step without praying. The Lord will provide, and He will continue to provide. Keep on studying God’s Word and obey Him.

2.  The equipment of our strength (Eph 6:11a)

An armour keeps us safe and protected. The “whole armour of God” (Eph 6:11a) is a God-given armour, and is a full armour. We are not to pick and choose only the pieces of armour we like. It comes from heaven and is given to all believers. Will you put the whole armour of God on? We need to protect ourselves by putting on the whole armour of God. There is no putting off of the armour of God. Otherwise, we will become a victim, and a casualty, of the devil. We must put the whole armour of God on ourselves.

3.  The testing of our strength (Eph 6:11b)

From the Greek word for “wiles” (Eph 6:11b), we get the English word method. The “wiles of the devil” are the methodically planned and cunningly devised traps and snares of the devil. Sin is made very appealing and attractive. Therefore, we need to stand strong against the devil, even until the end of our life. We must find strength in the Lord to keep on standing strong and obeying Him. We must have the whole armour of God on at all times. We will be tested as to how strong we are in the Lord. Sometimes, we stumble and fall. When we stumble and fall, pray to the Lord. Ensure that we have the whole armour of God on. Keep leaning on the Lord and pray for strength to obey Him.

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