God Leads Us Along: The People (Gen 46:1-27)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 13 Jun 2021

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Sermon notes taken by:

Eunice Low

In Genesis 46:1-27, we have an account of Jacob who was frightened and was not sure what he should do.

  1. God leads those who seek him (Gen 46:1)

Jacob left Canaan with all that he had, including his children. At Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to God. Beersheba means 70 wells. This was the place where God supplied Abraham with wells of water. Jacob’s act of offering sacrifices to God here is significant. He was looking back at how God had led Abraham, and he offered sacrifices to God as thanksgiving and also to seek God to direct and lead him, just as He had led Abraham. Jacob needed God and sought Him, for Jacob’s responsibility and burden were great as he led his family.

Have you been seeking the Lord? As Jacob grew older, he sought the Lord more. Are we like Jacob? Let us be encouraged that all who seek God will surely find.

  1. God reveals His truth to those who seek Him (Gen 46:2-4)

God knew Jacob’s frailty and fear, so He called out to Jacob tenderly. God knows us too. He knows our weaknesses and our fears. He knows us by name, individually and personally. And He knows what we need even before we ask of Him. And He speaks to us in and through the Bible, His Word.

In Genesis 46:3, God revealed Himself to Jacob. God is the One who would lead him. And the same God will lead and guide us today. He who had directed Abraham and Isaac, would also lead and guide Jacob. When God goes with us, we have nothing to fear.

  1. Jacob’s obedience and trust in God (Gen 46:5-7)

When Jacob left Canaan and brought everything with him to Egypt, we see Jacob’s full obedience to God. It is a wonderful testimony of Jacob’s faith in God. Do we withhold anything from God when we “obey” Him? True obedience to God is complete obedience!

When God leads you, will you follow Him?

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