A Change of Heart (Gen 44)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 25 Apr 2021

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Sermon notes taken by:

Haw Yew Nyen

It is more difficult to change the heart of a man than to change his mind. The mind can be changed through reasoning, but the hardened heart can only be changed by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Jacob’s failure to be a godly father (Gen 37) resulted in his sons’ evil doings against Joseph. However, in Genesis 44, we see a change of heart on the part of Joseph’s brothers, especially Judah, in how Judah responded differently when faced with a similar situation. There are 3 things we can learn from this account in Genesis 44 of how a hardened heart can be changed.

(1) Searching of our heart: In order for a hardened heart to be changed, God must move us to search our heart. The searching of our heart can be in the form of testing and trials. Trials will enable us to know the true state/condition of our heart. Through the way we handle trials, we (and others) will know our spiritual maturity, and how much (or how little) we have grown in the Lord, and how small or great our faith in the Lord is. God, through Joseph, tested how Joseph’s brothers would react upon discovering the silver cup in Benjamin’s sack (Gen 44:1-12), and thus determine whether they had changed for the better or not. Similarly, our response and reaction to events that occur in our lives will reveal the true state of our heart. Do we react or response in a godly manner, centered on the Lord Jesus Christ? Or do we react negatively, centering on our self and pride?

(2) Being truthful with ourselves: When probed by Joseph (Gen 44:15), Judah did not make any excuses nor shifted the blame. Rather, Judah admitted that whatever that had happened was God finding out the iniquities that he and his brothers had done against Joseph (Gen 44:16) and it was the consequence that they had to face for their sins. A true change of heart is when we are honest, sincere and truthful with ourselves and acknowledge our sin as sin. We must not try to justify our sinful actions by shifting the blame to others, and think that we are blameless. We must be truthful, admit and own up to the things that we had done wrong and seek forgiveness from man and God. God is merciful, He will forgive those who repent truthfully, sincerely and honestly.

(3) Transformation of our hearts: After admitting his sins (Gen 44:16), Judah recounted the events that had taken place and eventually offered to be Benjamin’s substitute so that Benjamin can returned to their father, Jacob (Gen 44:18-34). Judah’s heart had truly transformed as he was no longer thinking of himself but of his father and their family. A change of heart will result in its transformation, and will lead to a growth in our spiritual life. We will then bear the fruit of the Spirit and our lives will then be God-honouring and God-glorifying.

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