All Things Must be Fulfilled (Luke 24:44-49)
Speaker: Rev Quek Suan Yew
Date: 04 Apr 2021

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Sermon notes taken by:

Mrs Audrey Tam

The Bible teaches that our yea must be yea, and our nay, nay. We understand the importance of keeping our words. All the more when it comes to the words of God. Surely all His words must be kept and fulfilled.

1.  All things must be fulfilled because God keeps His words (Luke 24:44)

God must fulfil all the prophecies and typologies which He gave about Christ. One who keeps 99.9% of one’s words is still a liar. God cannot lie. Jesus made it abundantly clear that every single passage in the Bible pertaining to His first coming must be fulfilled. If there is any bit regarding Christ’s first coming that was not fulfilled, it would mean that God had no power to fulfil what He said He would do. Knowing that God has the power to keep His words gives us full assurance to trust in Him. We can thus also trust in the prophecies about the second coming of Christ and all the doctrines and promises in the Bible.

2.  All things must be fulfilled to complete God’s salvation plan (Luke 24:45-48)

When on the cross, Jesus endured all the sufferings as a silent lamb brought to the slaughter. The suffering was what God had demanded of Jesus in order for Jesus to save us from our sins. This was God’s plan of salvation. There is no other way. Thus, all must be fulfilled in order for this salvation plan to be completed for us. Now that we have been saved, we must go into all the world and declare what Jesus has done for us. The world must come to Jesus for the remission of their sins. We who have received the true gospel must be witnesses of Christ.

3.  All things must be fulfilled in order for us to do God’s work (Luke 24:49)

When Jesus spoke these words (in Luke 24:49) to His disciples, Jerusalem was the most dangerous place for them to dwell in. But God said that it was in Jerusalem that God wanted them to start the work. They needed not to fear anything. All the power, strength and courage were given to the disciples then, and to us today, by the completed work of Christ. We can do the work of God only because all things were fulfilled. We must continue to do God’s work till the day Jesus returns and take us home.

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