Living in the Spirit (1 Pet 4:4-6)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 11 Nov 2018

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Sermon notes taken by:

Tina Wong

1 Peter 4:4-6 tells us what it means to live in the Spirit. The idea of living in the Spirit is contrasted to living in the flesh. As believers, we are spiritual people. We have a spiritual dimension and are called to live accordingly. Constantly in a spiritual battle, we can be victorious by living in the Spirit:

1. Live distinctly (1 Pet 4:4): We were living in sin in time past but no longer now (1 Pet 4:3). In verse 4a, “strange” means to be like a stranger. It is the same word used in Hebrews 11:13, referring to strangers and pilgrims, i.e. like a guest/visitor. We are to live in such a way that our friends will consider us as “strange” to them. The phrase “run not with them to the same excess of riot” means that we do not live recklessly like our friends. The word “excess” describes the incessant flowing of water in a cistern. “Riot” (see also: Rom 13:13) describes debauchery, a reckless life, a riotous lifestyle, an outpouring of a loose life. As believers, we no longer live like unbelievers. We must live distinctly. Do unbelievers see a difference in us? Do they speak evil of us (1 Pet 4:4b) as a result? “Speaking evil” means to blaspheme, i.e. to slander/defame/tarnish our reputation and deliberately assassinate our character. We must be prepared to live this kind of life.

2. Live consciously (1 Pet 4:5): We are to live consciously of the fact that God is our Judge. To “give account,” an accounting term, literally means to pay back what a person owes. It may be very tiring to be always under persecution and to know that others are plotting to our hurt. But we know that they have to give an account to God one day, i.e. to pay back for what they are doing to us. The phrase “to judge the quick and the dead” is also a comfort to us as death is not an escape but a judgment because God will judge both the quick (those who are alive) and the dead (those who have died).

3. Living in hope (1 Pet 4:7): The gospel has been preached to those who are now dead, i.e. who were once alive. Apostle Peter was referring to those believing friends who have died. They had believed the gospel while they were still alive and were judged by men according to the flesh but had remained faithful and continued to live according to God in the Spirit with the hope of eternal life.

We are to live our life with eternity in view (Matt 10:28). A contrast is made between continuing to live in the flesh (which is displeasing to God) and to live according to God in the Spirit (live distinctly, live consciously and live in the hope of the gospel).

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