Offering Up Spiritual Sacrifices (1 Pet 2:4-5)
Speaker: Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
Date: 29 Apr 2018

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Sermon notes taken by:

Ben Yeo

God has given believers the unique position and privilege to offer up spiritual sacrifices to Him.

All who are born-again can offer spiritual sacrifices as they are a spiritual people. Physical sacrifices can be done by unbelievers, but only those who are born-again can offer spiritual sacrifices. Spiritual sacrifices must be offered to God according to God’s way.

The Lord Jesus Himself is the source of our spiritual sacrifices . The Lord Jesus Christ’s coming with the Word of God sanctifies believers. They are made fit and clean for the Master’s use.

Believers as “lively stones” bring spiritual life to others . The world needs to see Christ in believers. Wherever they go, believers bring the key to the kingdom of heaven with them. The world needs Jesus Christ. The world is dying in sin. Believers need to tell them about Jesus Christ.

In the church, believers build up one another’s spiritual lives. In the world, they share Christ with unbelievers. Believers are spiritual houses that have many spiritual blessings.

Christ is always precious in God’s sight . God will only accept our spiritual sacrifices for Christ’s sake. All glory must be given to Christ. Do not forget the source when you are able to offer up spiritual sacrifices.

Do not dichotomize spiritual and non-spiritual activities . To the believer, everything he does is spiritual, eg. giving a cup of cold water to someone. Everything believers do have a spiritual dimension because they are a spiritual people. The Spirit of God indwells every believer.

God will evaluate the spiritual sacrifices of every believer . If a believer does something with a wrong motive, it is like wood, hay and stubble. If it is done with the right motive and in God’s way, then it is like gold, silver and precious stones. Believers are a royal priesthood. Believers must not evaluate themselves using man’s perspective. Believers must see themselves as priests of the most high God. They must study the Bible to know how to be like Christ, and to live for Christ.

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