Pastoral Letter 06 Nov 2022

My dear readers,

Proverbs 10:26: "As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him."

This proverb was written in emblematic parallelism. There seems to be not enough precise words to describe the sin of indolence. Proverbs 10:26 calls the one who commits this sin a “sluggard.” He procrastinates. In the context of the Book of Proverbs, words like “sluggard” do not sufficiently capture the whole meaning of the word concerning God and His slothful people. The LORD prefers to use emblems like "as vinegar to the teeth" and "as smoke to the eyes," as if one emblem is not enough!

What is the meaning of "vinegar to the teeth"? Vinegar is extremely sour and acidic. The enamel on the teeth will erode when it comes into contact with vinegar often and long enough.

People in Bible times did not have dentists. Teeth are essential for biting and chewing food. When tooth decay occurred in the time of the Bible, the tooth had to be extracted, without painkillers or anaesthesia. There was also no repairing for cavities in teeth. The person could no longer chew and eat solid food when all his teeth decayed. A liquid diet and water would be his only source of sustenance. Unlike today whereby dentures, implants, etc., are alternate means to help us eat, it was not the case in biblical times. Once a person lost his teeth, there was no replacement. Teeth to people in Old Testament times were very valuable. How long could a person survive on a liquid diet if he lost all his teeth at a young age? He would lose his strength. He would not be able to do work that required strength and energy. He would not be able to fight in battles or even defend his loved ones if they were in danger. No one in his right mind would allow vinegar to come into contact with his teeth. Those who drink apple cider vinegar today for health reasons should rinse their mouth after drinking to protect their teeth.

What is the meaning of "smoke to the eyes"? When smoke gets into the eyes, the sting is unbearable. A burning sensation follows — redness of the eyes results. The eyes will tear to protect themselves by washing away the tiny particles that might have gotten into them. If the smoke persists, the smoke's small particles can permanently damage the eyes. Blurriness is worse than losing one's teeth. To see all things blurry is a little better than to live in darkness for the rest of one's life. Without sight, one would not be able to do any work. He would be helpless and would need to depend on the people around him to live. He would probably have to beg for a living if he had no loved ones to care for him. He would be at the mercy of others. He could get hurt easily, not being able to defend himself. He would be useless to others and a burden. If he had a family and loved ones, and they were in danger, he would not be able to protect them like he used to. He would be useless to society and unable to defend his country.

Using the above two emblems, the LORD says they accurately describe the sluggard. He is a sluggard to those who send him to farm the land because he did nothing. He will make excuses such as “the sun is too hot”, “it’s going to rain”, “the seeds are no good”, or “the ground is too hard”. Through his procrastination, the completion of the planting of seeds is delayed. He will miss the early and latter rain because he planted too late. The entire year's crops will be lost because the servant is lazy. His procrastination bankrupts his master. His master loses his farm to his creditors. His whole family will become slaves to pay off the debt they owe. This sad scenario applies to masters in every business and profession who send sluggards to work. If the master is a king who surrounds himself with servants who are sluggards, the catastrophe will be on a national level. The sluggards' failure or procrastination might cost millions of lives and livelihoods. Nations will be destroyed.

When parents are slothful in their spiritual responsibilities, their children will suffer grievously. The window to mould and instil in their children the Word of God is small. Once the children’s crucial formative years are passed, they will become set in their sinful ways. It will be harder to lead them to Christ as they have tasted a diluted Christianity that was cold and formal through spiritually sluggard parents. They will reject the sluggard carnal Christianity learned from their parents, sincerely believing that it is the Christianity of the Bible. It’s hard for them to believe their parents would deceive them and show them a false Christ! Sluggard Christian parenting has been the bane of many children who end up rejecting Christ!

The consequences are even more dire when applied to the spiritual realm (the Book of Proverbs focuses on this). Members elect leaders who are slothful. These leaders do not study the Bible to feed God's flock. They do not conduct Bible Study as God’s shepherds are called to do, leaving God's people to walk in spiritual darkness and thus destroying their holy witness. The Name of Christ is marred irreparably in their hearts and minds, and their carnal witness stumbles everyone they meet. This spiritual stupor is a common sin today. The preaching and teaching of the Word of God are bankrupt of God's power to save and sanctify because of sluggard pastors and preachers. They fail to realize that the One who sent them is God even though the people elected them. When they fail God's people, they fail God!

These sluggard preachers, pastors, and believers are like vinegar to the teeth in the eyes of the LORD. They bring spiritual decay and destruction to lives. Many sinners will die in their sins because of the slothfulness of these sluggards. When they witness, their laziness negates the power of the gospel. Why would a sinner accept the Christ presented to them by a sluggard professing believer? They see God as lazy because of them. The people of God become spiritually weak when lazy pastors and preachers do not faithfully study and teach God's Word. Their flock is starved and become spiritually lean in their knowledge and walk with the LORD. Soon they will lose their holy witness completely, just as Lot lost his.

These sluggard pastors, preachers and believers are also like smoke in the eyes of the One who sent them. The LORD expects them to be holy witnesses and faithful teachers of God's Word. Instead, they fail Him. They hurt the LORD's work significantly. The LORD wanted them to be a blessing to others and to bring glory to His holy Name. Their laziness stings the eyes of the LORD, bringing great displeasure to Him instead. If their slothfulness persists, the LORD will not want to see them because they only brought shame to His holy and blessed Name. The LORD will turn His face away from them. He will not want to be identified with them even though they call themselves God's people. The LORD will be ashamed of them!

Conclusion – The LORD sends every believer to be a holy witness for Christ after salvation. When believers are lazy, the Name of Christ is marred. Their behaviour will be as vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes. Their lazy testimony hurts Him. When they are lazy, the world sees God as a lazy God. When they are holy, the world sees God as a holy God. Let us not be a pain in God's eyes!

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
Advisory Pastor

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