Pastoral Letter 11 Nov 2018

Why do fellow believers speak evil against one another? Apostle James warned the Jewish believers in his epistle, "Speak not evil one of another, brethren" (James 4:11a).

Apostle James was not addressing people outside the church but fellow believers within God's family. To speak evil means to criticize, judge, backbite, gossip, condemn, and grumble against one another. It means to tear down another person with the purpose of destroying him. This kind of judging is evil. How can we who are saved by the blood of our Saviour, speak evil of one other? As Christians, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we should be speaking kindly of one another instead. We should be loving, caring and looking after one another, not destroying one another. We should be supporting, encouraging, and building up one another, not destroying one another.

Before a person speaks evil of others, there is a tendency to take pleasure in wanting to hear bad reports or shortcomings about others. He is only interested in looking for bad points rather than good ones. And he is simply excited when he is able to find faults, and has no qualms at all in multiplying criticisms against others. Oftentimes speaking evil of another person begins with being negative about that person. No matter what a person’s intention may be (it may even be good intention), the evil speaking will ultimately be twisted, and the good intention turned bad. This will happen when we speak evil against one another. Are you guilty? If you are, will you repent immediately and ask the Lord to help you to say a kind word today? It can be a simple “thank you,” or “I am sorry.” May God help us. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dennis Kwok

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