Pastoral Letter 13 May 2018

On this Mothers’ Day, I would like to share Proverbs 15:20 with you: “A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish man despiseth his mother.” The contrast here is between a wise son and a foolish man. How is a son wise and a man foolish? Which one are we? How does a wise son make his father glad?

What makes a son wise in the first place must be the Word of God. How does the Word of God change a son such that he will make his parents glad? Is it not the Fifth Commandment that says, “Honour thy father and thy mother.” This is the underlying principle that guides every child of God in his relationship with his parents. When we honour our parents, we make our parents glad. Our parents are blessed and God is glorified.

The word “glad” means to cheer up and rejoice. Children are to cheer up their parents and make them rejoice. Children are not to grieve their parents. I remember when my uncle (who is my mother’s younger brother) was arrested by the police because of drug abuse, my grandmother saw him being handcuffed by the police and taken away. Her eyes welled up with tears. She was grieved and saddened. When children live lives that do not honour their parents, their parents are grieved.

To you, children, do you know what makes your parents glad? Perhaps you are thinking: “If I do well in my exams, get all full marks, go to the top class, enter the best school, my parents will be happy for me.” Of course your parents will be happy but this is not what God is teaching us in this verse. A wise son having the wisdom from God will conform more and more to the image of Christ. His character, behaviour, thoughts, words and actions, everything about him grow in Christ-likeness, bearing the fruit of the Spirit. He will keep himself away from all manner of temptation and darkness. He will be responsible, hardworking, loving, caring, helping, supporting, encouraging, forgiving, forbearing, and many more. In such a process, this wise son will make his father glad.

As much as a wise son makes his father glad, “a foolish man despiseth his mother.” The word “despiseth” is a strong word meaning to look down, to be ashamed of. I quote from DL Moody, an American evangelist, who gave 2 illustrations to explain the word “despiseth.”

First, he said, “A poor father had sent his son to school in the city. In order to pay for the school fees, he collected some pieces of wood and went to the city to sell them. While he was walking on the street, he saw his son with 2 friends walking down the street. The father was so glad to see him that he quickly ran over to him and called him. But, to his disappointment, the boy, being ashamed of his father, said immediately, ‘I don’t know you.’”

Moody’s second illustration: “A poor woman sent her boy to school. When he was about to graduate, he wrote to his mother to come, but she replied saying that she can't because her best skirt could not be worn anymore. She has no other proper clothing and she was afraid of embarrassing her son. But her son insisted and said that he didn't care how she dressed and urged so strongly that she went. That day came and the son met his mother at the bus station. He brought her to a good place to rest. And finally at the graduation, the son led his mother to a prominent spot among all the parents and guests. To her surprise her son was the valedictorian of the class. He was chosen to deliver the closing speech, and usually this honour is given to the student who did the best. After his speech, he was presented with a special prize and with his prize, he walked down and headed toward his mother and he kissed her in front of all the people and said, ‘Here mother, this prize is yours. I would not have won it if it had not been for you.’ The whole audience stood up and applauded, not a single one is without tears. Thank God for her son. This son did not despise his mother. Instead he gave her the honour that she deserved.”

So, which are you: a wise son or a foolish man?

Notice that in Proverbs 15:20, Solomon compared a wise “son” with a foolish “man.” Why not a wise son with a foolish son? Or a wise man with a foolish man? Why a son with a man? This is the wonder of God’s wisdom. A “son” is younger than a man. A son is one who is still under training, supervision, and guidance by his parents or guardian. He is young. He needs to learn. He is inexperienced, he needs help. On the other hand, a “man” is an adult. He has reached the age when he can make his own decisions. He is experienced. He is independent.

Solomon says that a wise son makes his father glad. This means that a son, though young, can be wise! And God can use him as an instrument of blessing to his parents. He may be young, but that does not stop him from obeying God, from seeking after God for wisdom. Let us not think that because a man is an adult, he will not be foolish because of his maturity and life experiences. Solomon says that a foolish man despiseth his mother. A man (an adult) may have years of experience, but he may not have the wisdom of God if he does not look to God for wisdom. He can still be a fool, making all the wrong decisions.

Be wise! Do not be foolish! Let us make our parents glad. This is the right thing for us to do, for Jesus’ sake. Will you do it?

Blessed Mothers’ Day! Amen.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dennis Kwok

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